
Amy Schumer Tips ‘Hamilton’ Bartenders $1,000

Amy Schumer Tips ‘Hamilton’ Bartenders $1,000

amy s

Most people who work or have worked in the service industry are generous tippers.  Amy Schumer is not exception.  Last week, Amy left a $1,000 tip for the bartenders at the Broadway show “Hamilton”.

1000 tip

Before she hit it big as a comedian and actor, Schumer supported herself by bartending in New York.  It is nice to see someone who remembers what it’s like to work behind the bar.

Every bartender has his/ her own story.  Some bartend on the side to support themselves while they work on other projects; some do it in addition to a full time job as a means to pay down student debt; and others do it as their professional careers.  Regardless of any bartender’s specific story, however, generosity and recognition is always appreciated.  Thank you, Amy 🙂




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