


Ok. So you got the dream job.  The nightclub bartending job.  You have completed steps one and two – you’re on your way.  You’re going to work a few nights a week and make in that week what your friends make in 2 weeks working at their 40+ hr/week office job.  Exciting!  But please, don’t rest on your laurels.

Your work isn’t done.  Nightclubs often hire bartenders only to fire them weeks (or even nights) later if they aren’t cutting it.  I have seen it many times. I do not tell you this to scare you but rather to help you be successful once you’ve come this far.  Let me tell you how I’ve kept my nightclub bartending job, among stiff competition,  for years.

I’ll begin from the first night that I started at the nightclub I’ve worked at the past few years.

As you can imagine, I was very excited to start but I also new what I mentioned above.  I need to ring high (ring high: to sell a lot of drinks) so the manager would see that I can bring value to the club.  So I texted and emailed all of my friends the night before and asked them to come in and see me.  I made sure to invite a lot of girls (the nightclub industry is centered around getting good-looking girls to the venue).  I messaged a lot of people and asked them to come in and buy, buy, BUY from me.

They did.  The first night I worked, I rang higher than all of the other bartenders in the club.  I rang in $4,221.  I was happy with this number because I knew the general manager would see this and realize that I am valuable.  He did.   After I closed out with him that night, he said, “Nice job tonight Ross, see you tomorrow.”

This is how you  keep a nightclub bartending job.  Demonstrate your value to the venue!   Most people can learn to make drinks (although being fast is a developed skill) but only some people can bring in people every night and have them spend.  You need to be promoting the club you work at whenever you can.  I have set up a separate Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account which I use solely to promote the club I work at.

While some bartenders “phone it in” by not promoting, just showing up for work, and drinking on the job,  I bring people to the club every night I work and never touch a drop of alcohol.  Management notices all of these things, I guarantee you.

In summation:  Bartending is really like any other job (sales jobs in particular).  Make money for the nightclub and they will make money for you.  By the way, I made $700 the first night I bartended at the club I still work at.. and I haven’t looked back.




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